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Lifestyle Claudia Cotici Lifestyle Claudia Cotici

Benefits of Green Living and the Zero Waste Lifestyle

After working two jobs for a year in my efforts to max out our payments for our mortgage, I was exhausted. It was only then that I realized I needed to find a better way to live. I decided to try adopting a zero-waste lifestyle and fully embrace a more conscious way of living. The switch has had so many benefits for my mental and physical health, relationally, and with my connection to the earth.

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Lifestyle Claudia Cotici Lifestyle Claudia Cotici

What Type of Zero Waster Are You? [QUIZ + INFOGRAPHIC]

I have absolutely loved the opportunity to get to know so many other low waste advocates with this blog. While we might all be on track to accomplish the same things (create less waste, live more sustainably, and better care for our planet) there are so many different strategies in how to get there! Depending on where you live, your budget, lifestyle, and how much of a do-it-yourself kind of person you are, the way you reach a low waste lifestyle may look completely different than others in your community.

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Lifestyle, Health, Pregnancy Claudia Cotici Lifestyle, Health, Pregnancy Claudia Cotici

Practical ideas that Reduce Waste While Trying to Get Pregnant + Infographic

Going through the process of conceiving a baby can be a strenuous one. In my experience, struggling with fertility isn’t easy on many levels, and it is certainly not zero waste. My journey to sustainable living does impact my choices and purchasing habits in all areas of my life. With pregnancy being a current pursuit for my family, I thought it might be helpful to share my findings on how to reduce waste in today’s post.

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Lifestyle, Zero Waste PEI Claudia Cotici Lifestyle, Zero Waste PEI Claudia Cotici

13 Eco-friendly, Sustainable Shops that Carry Zero-Waste Products in Prince Edward Island (PEI) Map+ Infographic

Last week I asked you guys where I can find eco-friendly, chemical-free shampoo bars, conditioner bars, and soap in general — and you answered with a wealth of experience and knowledge! I am so grateful to be apart of such an engaged supportive community. Here are some of the top local sellers and brands that have been recommended to me, all in one place to share with you!

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