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10 Eco-friendly Toothpaste Options for Canadians
Did you know that there are around 1 billion toothpaste tubes sent to landfills every year? Zero waste should make you smile… and not at the expense of wasteful tubes of toothpaste. There are a lot of different materials in toothpaste tubes, including plastic, aluminum, steel, nylon, and even copper. It's not possible to recycle toothpaste tubes unless they're processed separately which is a pretty complicated process.
Zero Waste and Eco Friendly Cleaning Solutions
Everyone has different needs and routines when it comes to cleaning. I try to keep on regular weekly maintenance, while I know people that will commit to one or two full days of deep cleaning a month. Whatever your routine may be, there is a lot of opportunity for waste with cleaning products these days. Keep reading to learn ways to improve your cleaning routines
Practical ideas that Reduce Waste While Trying to Get Pregnant + Infographic
Going through the process of conceiving a baby can be a strenuous one. In my experience, struggling with fertility isn’t easy on many levels, and it is certainly not zero waste. My journey to sustainable living does impact my choices and purchasing habits in all areas of my life. With pregnancy being a current pursuit for my family, I thought it might be helpful to share my findings on how to reduce waste in today’s post.
Save the Planet with 50+ Zero-waste Swaps (PDF Checklist + eBook)
There is a misconception that the zero waste lifestyle is fancy and expensive, but the truth is it isn’t fancy and it doesn’t have to be expensive. It is not fancy because the main idea to reuse as much as you can — so the jars you reuse might not all look the same. It doesn’t need to be expensive because you do not have to buy everything at once and once bought, you will not need to buy them again…