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Lifestyle, How To Claudia Cotici Lifestyle, How To Claudia Cotici

How to Host a Successful Yard Sale

A yard sale is a fantastic opportunity to get a portion of the money back on functional products you spend your money on in the past. There is some preparation involved in hosting a yard sale. Do not worry. I am sharing all my lessons and secrets with you in this article so you can have a successful yard sale from the first try.

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How To, Lifestyle Claudia Cotici How To, Lifestyle Claudia Cotici

25 Ways to Use Reusable Silicone Bags

It’s finally time to get onboard with the updated, eco friendly silicone alternative that can do way more than your standard ziplock. Not only that but they are super easy to clean and will last for up to 5 years! Keep reading to learn 25 ways you can use silicone storage bags in your everyday life.

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Gardening, How To Claudia Cotici Gardening, How To Claudia Cotici

Eco Gardening for Beginners

This article will help you learn what you need before starting a garden and what makes a garden eco. If you have no idea where to start, keep reading. This guide will help you gather the knowledge to succeed on your first try.

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Home, How To Claudia Cotici Home, How To Claudia Cotici

Zero Waste and Eco Friendly Cleaning Solutions

Everyone has different needs and routines when it comes to cleaning. I try to keep on regular weekly maintenance, while I know people that will commit to one or two full days of deep cleaning a month. Whatever your routine may be, there is a lot of opportunity for waste with cleaning products these days. Keep reading to learn ways to improve your cleaning routines

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Lifestyle, How To Claudia Cotici Lifestyle, How To Claudia Cotici

All the Tools You Need to Start Composting at Home

I am a lazy composter. I don't really check the temperature of the compost, and I do not pay close attention to how moist it is. The length of time it takes to make compost is irrelevant to me. My attitude is just acceptance of whatever comes my way when it is ready. It would be nice if there was a place for me to drop off food waste and not have it end up in a landfill instead of managing it myself but for now, we will continue managing it at home.

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