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Lifestyle, Home Claudia Cotici Lifestyle, Home Claudia Cotici

Guide: How to Store and Organize a Vegan Fridge

This article is a guide for how to avoid food waste by storing and organizing your fridge. Although it talks mostly about vegan foods, I am sure everybody can use some of the suggestions for fruits and veggies. Every household’s food habits are different and in one way or another and it is important to come up with a system that actually works for you. If you are able to prioritize some time for the inevitable trial and error process with this organization, it will be well worth your while.

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Home, Lifestyle Claudia Cotici Home, Lifestyle Claudia Cotici

How to Compost at Home Step-by-Step with [Infographic]

By no means is it the only or even best way to compost — but it’s the way I do it and it works for me, so I figure it was worth sharing with you! I opt for a more hands-off, cold composting process at my home for the sake of time and energy. We aren’t ever in a rush to get the contents out to our home garden so the process is stretched out over a 6+ month time frame.

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Infographic Zero-Waste, Sustainability Claudia Cotici Infographic Zero-Waste, Sustainability Claudia Cotici

Get to Know the Recycling Symbols [Infographic]

Do you know the meaning behind the symbols on the products you buy and use every day? Did you know that the symbols on plastic don't necessarily mean that you can recycle the plastic? The “recycling symbols” can give us guidance on what type of plastics we are dealing with, but we need to check with our local recycling systems to see if they can actually be added to our recycling bin. I strongly recommend getting familiar with the local rules around recycling.

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Why Islanders Should Care About PEI's Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Environmental Bill of Rights is a proposal meant to protect the environment in Prince Edward Island and those who live in it by providing the platform, the tools for Islanders to be actively involved in the process of protecting the environment, holding companies accountable for damaging the environment.

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