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Lifestyle, Health, Pregnancy Claudia Cotici Lifestyle, Health, Pregnancy Claudia Cotici

Practical ideas that Reduce Waste While Trying to Get Pregnant + Infographic

Going through the process of conceiving a baby can be a strenuous one. In my experience, struggling with fertility isn’t easy on many levels, and it is certainly not zero waste. My journey to sustainable living does impact my choices and purchasing habits in all areas of my life. With pregnancy being a current pursuit for my family, I thought it might be helpful to share my findings on how to reduce waste in today’s post.

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Lifestyle Claudia Cotici Lifestyle Claudia Cotici

10 Simple Ways to Give Back to Mother Earth

This post is meant to help you start off your week feeling inspired by explaining 10 simple ways you can help give back to the Earth. But before I get into the list, I want to share a bit about the importance of developing a relationship with our Earth and how it can help shift your perspective to a more compassionate, proactive mindset.

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