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Fashion, Lifestyle, Sustainability Claudia Cotici Fashion, Lifestyle, Sustainability Claudia Cotici

What is Thrifting and How to Do it Right

I love thrifting so much. It’s the coolest thing on earth if you ask me. There’s something so special about finding that perfect clothing piece that is worn just right, or that piece of furniture that gives a lived-in look to your space. A satisfaction you can't get from picking something off a rack at a store that has 10 or 15 duplicates on display.

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Sustainability, Lifestyle Claudia Cotici Sustainability, Lifestyle Claudia Cotici

What is Degrowth?

The world is drowning with stuff. Our houses are full of useless things, and we seem to have less and less space for everything we own. We buy clothes, tech, and other items that promise us a better life. Eventually, all those things are thrown away in landfills, generating billions of tons of carbon dioxide to spill into the atmosphere every year.

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