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How to Host a Successful Yard Sale

Mark and I hold a yard sale or a garage sale every two years or so. Since I became a minimalist, we realized that we do not need many things around the house. Like many of you, we started to aggressively declutter our home about three years ago, and we ended up with plenty of useful but not practical things around us.

A yard sale is a fantastic opportunity to get a portion of the money back on functional products you spend your money on in the past. 

There is some preparation involved in hosting a yard sale. Do not worry. I am sharing all my lessons and secrets with you in this article so you can have a successful yard sale from the first try. 

I should mention that I live in Prince Edward Island, where yard sales and garage sales are common activities during the summer and fall. We even have an annual yard sale called "70 Mile Coastal Yard Sale"

Last year we decided not to host a yard sale due to Covid. This year we are hosting one, but we made sure to listen to the guidance from the local government and the public health department. Please make sure to comply with public health directions in your area. 

Gather objects during the year

While decluttering, set aside a space for boxes with things for a yard sale, one for donations and one for items you might need but are not sure about. 

Our rule is, if we didn't need it in 2 years, the chances are that we don't need it. 

In the past, I hosted yard sales without this step and afterwards, I kicked myself because I realized there were so many other things I intended to sell, but I forgot about. 

If you have a space dedicated, your whole family or partner can add to the pile without any confusion.

Clean everything

Never try to sell something dirty because you will either end up not selling it or get a lower right price for it. Either way, nobody wants to look at something dirty. 

My garage gets dusty during the year, so I spend a few days going through the products and making sure they are clean before the yard sale. I know it is a bit of work, but if you want a great yard sale, you need to clean your things. 

Check the weather

Before you even think about hosting a yard sale, check the weather a few days before and the morning of the yard sale. 

Nobody wants to rain, but hot weather can also be a problem. The perfect day for me ended up being either end of July or the end of August. If you have a garage you can sell from, you can host a garage sale even if it is raining.

Display nicely

I always imagine I walk into a store when I arrange my things for a yard sale. The things that are the pretties go upfront. The things I want to sell goes to eye level and valuable things go close to where I sit so nobody can steal them easily. 

Organize by category

Categories are important. All the clothes are going in one spot; all the electronics have their place, etc. Organizing it by category will make browsing easier for the customers. 

Make sure there is space for walking.

You do not want things crowded at all. You want space to move around and space around things to be easily looked at by possible customers. 

If necessary, borrow a few extra tables and displays from your neighbours. 

Add some plants or flowers

Bring some life to your yard sale. 

Yes, you will get questions about the plants being for sale, but it is worth it. 

Some greenery will make people feel more comfortable and will make your display look nicer. 

Bring a mirror

If you are selling jewelry or clothing, make sure you have a mirror for people to check out their "new" clothes. 

Of course, trying them on is not allowed, but people like to see how clothes might look on them. 

Be ready to negotiate.

Some people put stickers on everything, but I feel like this discourage people from negotiating a little bit. After all, it is a yard sale, and negotiations are a must. 

Put on some upbeat music.

Music is a MUST. Put some upbeat music on your phone or on a speaker. Do not turn up too much. You need to be able to make conversation. 

Again, think about what stores do to make their customers feel welcomed? For example, they play music, and you should too. 

Advertise the day before and day of the yard sale

If you live in PEI, the best places to advertise your yard sales is on Kijiji, local Yard Sales Facebook groups and your personal social media, 

In Pei, there are people who look for yard sales every week in the summer and spend their weekends browsing or looking for something specific. 

Here is what you have to mention in your ad:

  • Date and time

  • Location

  • What you are selling- yes, make a long list.

  • If you are holding the sale, rain or sun

  • A nice picture of your setup

Have cash with you

Do not forget to bring some change with you. You will definitely need it. 

Be ready to make conversations.

If you are not feeling well or you are not in a good mood, do not even try to host the yard sale. You need to bring some positive energy to people's day and have fun—bad mood= bad sales. 

Sell more significant items separately.

Sometimes, I have more significant items, for example a guitar or a blender that I am not ready to sell for low prices. For those objects that you think are worth more than $50, you have two options. 

  1. Sell separately on Facebook Market or on Kijiji

  2. Put it out for yard sale but set a minimum price in your mind that you would be willing to sell for.

Donate or repurpose the leftovers

Without a doubt, you will have some things left. But, hopefully, those things can be reused or donated. 

  • You can try hosting a second-yard sale a few weeks later.

  • If you still don't sell the rest, ask friends and family if they need it and offer it free. You should ask your family and friend if they need it before the yard sale too.

  • You can donate things that are needed by shelters and donation centers. Give them a call ahead or check their websites to see if they have a "Need" list.

  • Repurpose what you can

  • If you still end up with leftover stuff, offer them for free on Facebook Market or Kijiji. Somebody will definitely get it off your hand.

If all of this sounds too much of a hassle for you, then I recommend you think twice about the things you bring into your home to avoid all the effort it takes to discard unneeded stuff in your home in a sustainable way. 

I hope you enjoyed this article and you learned from my experience hosting yard sales. 

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Hey, Claudia here

I am a senior graphic designer, a dog mom, an advocate for a zero-waste lifestyle, climate change, and sustainability. My articles are based on personal experience and well researched to give you the best source of information for all things zero-waste.